Blissfully Kneaded Massage Therapy, LLC
Helping hands for happy, healthy, painfree people

COVID-19 Precautions

Covid-19 Precautions 

  • I have moved to a new office without central air and with functional windows to ventilate the space between clients.
  • I have removed all unnecessary clutter in the waiting room and massage room. I have also replaced the chairs with hard surface, more sanitize-able chairs.
  • I have clients wash their hands immediately before entering the office.( sink in hall)
  • I have added two air purifier with HEPA filtration, one also has a UV-C light (next to clients head)
  • I am separating all appointments by 30 minutes so there is only ever one client at any time in the office and to give extra time to sanitize everything in the office and air out the space.
  • I have also added a UV-C sanitizing light to sanitize the soft surfaces in the massage room (ie the curtains)
  • I ask clients to wait outside until the previous client has left.
  • I wear a mask upon request while in the office and allow my clients wear a face mask during the session if they choose or I request (face down portion of massage I have added a pillow case inside the face cradle to catch any droplets so you can remove your mask in that position, which makes breathing a little easier)
  • I am asking that if you have any Covid-19 symptoms or a temperature over 99.5 degrees that you reschedule your appointment for at least 2 weeks out after a negative test result.



Take care of yourselves. I hope to see you all soon.